A nose with a dorsal hump is obvious in profile view, but it also affects the appearance of the face and nose from all angles. This can even give the patient a wild or stubborn look.
The surgery to remove or reduce the dorsal hump should consider various aspects including facial features and the patient’s needs and background. For men who prefer a masculine appearance, a reduction in hump size might be more suitable, as total hump removal can make the nose appear too feminine. CDU Plastic Surgery Korea listens to patients’ needs and uses artistic and surgical experience to create great results.
Surgery Duration
Approx. 40-60 min
Stitches Removal
After 7 Days
Local and Sedation
Recovery Period
7 Days
Recommended When

- The middle part of the nose protrudes.
- The nose is crooked, making the tip looking droopy.
- The nose is arrow-like.
- The nose has a dorsal hump.
- The tip is relatively lower than the bridge.
Surgery Methods

The upper part of the nose is made up of bone, while the middle part of the nose is cartilage (upper lateral cartilage). So, the hump is made of bone, cartilage, or a combination of both. When the hump is over-corrected or under-corrected, the contour may not be smooth, so the approach should be planned with understanding of the structure of the nose and the patient’s needs.
1. When there is a subtle dorsal hump
The hump is cut or rasped with surgical instruments. This is a simple surgery that takes about 30~40 mins, but this approach should be applied to noses which are already high enough. In other cases, implant insertion can be considered simultaneously.

2. When there is a significant dorsal hump
When the hump is removed or reduced, if the surgical area is wide, the dorsum can feel unnatural to the touch. Furthermore, the shape can appear flared and the margin too angled. The section of the nose where the hump is removed should be treated.

After hump reduction or removal, the nose can become lower, so bridge augmentation can help to create a better result.

3. When the nose appears humped due to tip droopiness
When the nose appears humped due to tip droopiness, rearranging the alar cartilage can improve the condition.
In some cases, to prevent droopiness over time, a cartilage strut support can be placed on the columella, or the muscle bringing down the tip (depressor septi nasi muscle) can be disconnected or paralyzed by botox injection.

Q&A About Humped Nose

The nasal hump is normally made of cartilage, bone, or a combination of both. It is often genetic but can also be caused by nasal trauma.
This is a really important question to consider before you have rhinoplasty. People often have different opinions about how they would like their noses to look after rhinoplasty. This should be decided during a consultation with the doctor. Some patients prefer to retain a small hump to maintain an ethnic or family feature, while others prefer a completely straight or slightly dipped nose. Generally, surgeons decide on the amount of reduction to avoid an unnatural-looking nose, by avoiding creating a scooped or ski-jump nose, unless patients request that.
Thick skin is a bit of a challenging characteristic for the surgeon in rhinoplasty when creating dramatic changes in appearance. When the skin is thicker than usual, even after the hump is trimmed or removed, the skin may not shrink down to the nose. To improve this condition, there are some tricks to apply during the recovery process.