Inverted Nipple, Breast augmentation
This woman complained about small breasts and inverted nipples. We recommended breast augmentation with inverted nipple repair surgery. These pictures are three months from surgery.
Below you can view actual before and after plastic surgery photos from our patients who have visited CDU in Seoul, South Korea.
This woman complained about small breasts and inverted nipples. We recommended breast augmentation with inverted nipple repair surgery. These pictures are three months from surgery.
This patient wanted to address her comparatively big nipples and small breasts. She wished to have a full-C cup, so we chose a 270cc micro-textured
She disliked her big and wide-set breasts. To achieve perkier and lifted breasts, we removed some tissues inside as well as excess skin. The incision
She had lost a significant amount of volume after breastfeeding. We recommended a teardrop-shaped textured implant. The implant was placed under the muscle. The breast